1. Cars. Not only does our youngest love cars, we as a family have been discussing the idea of buying a new-to-us car. Our 1997 Jetta is still kicking with about 300,000 miles but it's clutch is showing signs of failure. It's now our toot around town within a 20 mile radius car. The 1999 Subaru with about 225,000 miles +/- has been running great but had a little boo-boo this past weekend. Take a look at the head light.
3. Today, at the our local farmers market, I picked up some yellow and red tomatoes. Axel flipped out thinking the yellow ones were peaches. He loves peaches and all I heard was "Peech, peech, peeeeeeeeech!" Sorry bud, peaches only come in a can these days.
4. Speaking of hearing things, Axel's vocabulary has EXPLODED! He is saying all sorts of words and even making small 2-3 word sentences. It's super cute. He still has plenty of baby blab but his words are developing quickly. Some of his favorites: KATE-MARK-UP-DOWN-DOWN, MOM, DAD, KEE (which means LUCAS?!), MY SHOE, MY HAIR, HEAD, WATER, STICK, ROCK, UP, BYE-BYE, CAR, CHOO AIN (train), HELLO, LEMON, WITCH, MINE, ON and most animals say BAAAAA except the chicken who says BOK-BOK-BOK. So fun!
5. Lucas absolutely loves his school. He is attending a Montessori and the set up is perfect for him. He is so happy to go and so happy when I pick him up. He talks about school all day and is making lots of new friends. Lucas still loves Star Wars but lately we've been trying to focus on new activities (not just Star Wars). His recent favorite: building various animals and insects out of recycled materials and crafts. I have to admit, it's fun for Mommy too!
6. After reading my friends ToT, I decided to change things up at lunch and get creative. Thanks Erin! Both plates were cleaned and there was no arguing whatsoever!
Lucas' lunch face.
8. This weekend is Rocktoberfest and Lucas can hardly contain himself. If you're in the Red River Gorge area, be sure to stop by and show your support for all the awesome climbing we have access too. Lucas will be hanging out on stage with Timmy ONeill, who is a big kids that loves to play and have fun. He and Lucas are buds!
9. I encourage you to read this really touching story about a moms journey, along with her family, to fight for her sons life! Click here: Finding Our New Normal.
10.We are off to a Mommy run, Lucas bike ride and Axel stroller ride. It's gorgeous outside!
What a fun post. I love those cute lunches. Great idea! :)
LOVE your face lunch Janelle! I tried to leave a comment on yesterday's post too but Blogger hates me.
I miss you! I still owe you a phone call. One of these days...
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