Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Little Christmas Before Christmas

 One evening, we headed to Baytowne Wharf to listen to some local high school choirs. unfortunately, we read the schedule wrong and showed up in time to hear the last song. Oops! We did get to enjoy the Christmas decorations and music set to the lights.  They had ice skating and a big huge tree in the middle of the plaza so we stayed awhile before hitting up the play area at Destin Commons.
Cozy Crew!

Nice job Lucas, our photographer.

I think it is funny how they decorate the palm trees with lights here in Florida. They have special palm lights for the tops. Now, that's something you don't see in Colorado.

They did much better here. The boys had the place to themselves but had a blast running around.
We decided to spend Christmas at our cabin this year so we did our best to pack up most of the presents. Some of them didn't make the cut so we had an early Christmas on night before driving to Kentucky. The boys were thrilled!!!
We watched some Christmas cartoons while Daddy made hot chocolate.

Mmmm, yummy! Then, we explained the purpose of our early present opening.

There were no disagreements!

I'm pretty sure Axel would have tore into each and every one without looking back. Mom was there to slow him down.

He's so patient!
 And them my camera died, just in time for Christmas. We did have our old camera which would have to do the trick until the other one was fixed.
Axel was so, so, so excited!!
The boys really enjoyed our pre-Christmas celebration and so did we. There's a lot to be said for the "12 Days of Christmas" and spreading out the present opening. They really took time to enjoy each present they opened and maybe, just maybe even realized who was giving them the gift. :)

It was now time to pack for the cabin!!!

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

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