Monday, March 22, 2010

Almost Forgotten

We took a trip to Kentucky this weekend to go rock climbing and yes, I did take the camera. Did I use the camera?! Hmmm...nope! We did spend two days in beautiful weather climbing with great friends. Everyone was happy to be outside and it was nice to get back to our cabin.

Instead of weekend photos, I have a few that I almost forgot to post.

Check out Adam (Mr. Shy Guy) with Axel and his Mommy, Dana. The funny thing, he's not shy at all. This was brand new and he worked it!
See Axel's new smile. He loves to show off his four top teeth these days.
Adam has a nice set himself. We sure are going to miss you Adam, Dana & Phil but we are super excited to have friends in Washington D.C. :)
Two weekends ago, we went to Boonshoft Children Museum.
The recycle section is always one of our favorites and the boys just love the truck. It makes some great sounds and has lots of buttons to push.
We even took turns. :)
Big stuff!
They had a new rocket display too. 3-2-1...blast off!
The spider web. One year ago, Lucas hated this thing but not this time.
Just before going home, we sat in on a science demonstration with dry ice. It was so cool and Lucas learned all about solids, liquids and was a nice refresher course for Mommy too.
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

Welcome to our family blog now known as:

DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
