Lucas is still a big boy although I think he has regretted his choice a few times. The other night he asked me, "Where are the bottles Mommy?" I told him the little babies were using them and they were very happy he gave them his bottles. He then proceeded to tell me, "I don't want to be a big boy, I don't want my plane, I don't want my winder, I want my bottles back!" We then had a little discussion about how it's hard to grow up sometimes and how he really would be sad if he didn't have his big boy airplane and winder. He seemed okay with it but every once in awhile asks about the bottles and the babies. He still loves his plane and to our amazement, it's lasted a whole week! Not bad for a plane that's made of foam and balsa wood.
Last weekend, Mommy and Lucas headed to Montrose, CO. (Sorry to all our Montrose friends we were unable to catch up with this trip...we'll be back!) Mommy grew up in Montrose and it was fun to go back to visit friends. I have a great friend who lives in
We took Lucas and Thomas to McDonalds Playground one cold day...I'm not a big fan of places like this. It's very stressful for a mommy and my over protective instincts come out when big kids get to pushy. It took about two minutes and Lucas became the pushy one and was not intimidated at all! I was so proud that he stood his ground and had a ball! Thanks to hand wipes and new vitamins he didn't catch the flu or any other bug going around that place. Thomas had a great time too and had to go to bed super early, he was all tuckered out!
We also went to the Ouray Hot Springs Pool which is always a treat. The drive from Montrose to Ouray is one of my favorites and very spectacular. The views of the San Juan Mountain Range are stunning! The pool is wonderful and I do miss having it so close. We had an unexpected treat of watching two bobcats (or Lynx) walk down the hill side across the street from where we were soaking. They were the first wild cats I've ever seen in the wild and of course, I had no camera. It was awesome to see for sure.
On Sunday before driving home, we headed to a good friends house to visit with her and her two kids. Angie and I went to elementary school together and always try to connect when we come to town. Her kids are growing fast and Lucas loved all the big boy and big girl toys in their house...the chocolate treats were a hit too!
Love, Janelle Mike & Lucas