Daddy went to Orlando, FL for a conference and came home with some special gifts for everyone. Mommy got Ghirardelli Chocolates...or did Daddy get Ghirardelli Chocolates??? Hmmm...good thing Mommy is so good at sharing. :)
Lucas got the coolest Yoda T-Shirt in the whole wide world! He wore it for three days straight!

Axel got a Mickey Mouse lollipop and he was loving it until the stick bent.

Can a lollipop make a baby cry?

A bent lollipop stick is HORRIBLE if you're one years old. He was so sad and Daddy tried and tried to make it better.

Axel finally came around and for the weekend, we decided to head to North Carolina a change of scenery. It's a 7-8 hr drive so we decided to stop off at Cumberland Gap National Park to take a break and get some Nat'l Park Passport Stamps and exercise.

Frisbee time!

Puffs are always a big hit with the boys.

Into the visitor center for stamps and a quick tour. Then it was time to hike!

Lucas showing off his HUGE muscles?!?!?!

We hiked to the top of Tri-State Peak where Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina all come together.

Lucas wanted nothing to do with the summit photo.

We also hiked to the overlook.

I think they were playing a little game of
I Spy.

Here's the view.

Axel looks really concerned in this photo. I think he thought he was missing out when Daddy was showing Lucas the land below.

Daddy saved the day when he spotted some "birdies" which Axel loved!

My boys. :) The make my heart happy.

That night we spent an evening with our Knoxville friends, Jessica & Bentley. The trip would not have been complete without a light saber fight. Thanks for the hospitality!

The next day, it was off to tick North Carolina's High Point. Yes, Daddy is still on a quest to do as many high points as possible. You can drive to the top or do a two mile hike up on a real rough trail. We opted for the trail because we miss the mountains and were very excited to hike up some real elevation.

Nearing the top.

And there it is, Mt. Mitchell, at an elevation of 6,684 ft above sea level.

Our proof.

Again, Lucas wanted nothing to do with a summit photo.

Our proof.

Axel just wanted the camera.

Somehow I tricked Yoda into a decent photo. :) I used my Jedi mind tricks.

More to come...North Carolina climbing.