Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lucas' First Taekwondo Test

Here Lucas is doing his very first Taekwondo Test. Last Tuesday, he testd for orange belt and did a wonderful job. I wish I would have had my camera but I'm happy a friend caught these on her phone for me. I was so proud and it brought back so many memories of my Taekwondo years. :)

To get their belt, they had to break a foam board with a front kick. Axel and I helped hold the board so we got a great view.

Way to go Lucas! Your orange belt looks awesome!

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

Welcome to our family blog now known as:

DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
