Monday, April 20, 2009

Time Out

Axel has been officially put in his first "time out." Big brother Lucas was not impressed that Axel was crying. He put on his best stern, serious voice and proceeded to put Axel in time out. It went something like this...

"Axel, you stop crying like that or you're going to time out!...Okay, you go over there to your time need to stop crying Axel. You stay in time out!"

Axel on the other side of the conversation had no comment. He wasn't really using his "listening ears" so Lucas eventually just walked away.

Mike and I just had to laugh. :)

So, I know I'm behind posting two month photos so I'll be doing that today...hopefully.
We also took both boys camping (tent camping) for the first time this weekend. Despite the rain, it went extremely well and everyone slept great...truly amazing!!! This is climbing season so we are extra busy and extra behind but having a wonderful time! Be back soon!

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

Welcome to our family blog now known as:

DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
