Our two week trip to Colorado was great. We had fun visiting with friends and family and seeing real mountains for the first time since last August. We would have loved to visit everyone but quickly realized that would be impossible. We did make our rounds around Denver and loved the fresh Colorado air. We will try to catch more people next time.
Grandpa J picked us up at the airport and was a big help at baggage claim. 2 kids, 2 bags, 2 car seats, 1 stroller, 1 diaper bag, 1 tired Mommy and all the little extras were a little much for us to handle on our own. Thanks Grandpa!
Okay, this is a HUGE post with nearly one million photos! Enjoy!
Here Grandpa J gets reacquainted with Axel...Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mommy & Axel getting ready to take Lucas to the park.

Here's our big boy Axel at 6 weeks old...can you believe that?! 6 weeks!

Anyone who knows my father will understand this photo...
The Lecture! :) Love you Dad!

Lucas learned all about how to water Grandpa's plants. This was a dream come true after waiting all winter to use sprinklers and sprayers.
Note: Grandpa J had a few not-so-friendly freckles removed from his face and is sporting the bandage aftermath.
Oh, it's Heaven for this little boy!

Lucas had a few requests when we told him we were going to Colorado.
"Can we go to REI?"Lucas was very disappointed to learn that there are no REI's in Ohio. We made a few trips to visit all his old favorites in the camping section: stoves, coffee makers and lanterns were a must see!
We had a wonderful lunch with our dear friends
Darcy & Dave. Boy, we have missed you two!! It was so fun to see them and what a treat to eat at
Cheeky Monks (Belgian Brew Pub) in downtown Denver. Delicious!
Darcy & Mr. I-Don't-Like-The-Camera Lucas

Darcy and Janelle (sisters since birth)...I'm the big sister being a year older! :) HA! Love you Darc!

Dave & Darcy...check out their
website when you can. They're adopting!! YAHOO!

Back to Grandma & Grandpa's house for a little relaxing.
Big smiles!

Like I said, BIG SMILES! Yep, Axel broke out his smile on many occasions. It's so fun to watch babies grow learn and finally respond to you visually. We'll keep him!

Axel, Mommy & Lucas...We sure missed you Daddy!

I bet Daddy missed us too. He also missed Grandpa's super grillin' skills. Mmmmm...RIBS!!

Lucas ate and ate and ate some more! Who would of known this boy could eat so much?!

Do you see how good these taste?

We took a quick trip to Loveland to the train park. Unfortunately, the train was tucked away for winter but the playground toys were a hit and so was the train track. Lucas ran around the entire track 4 times!
Mommy & Axel enjoying the sun and warm weather.

Grandpa giving Lucas a hand.

Lucas doing it all by himself.

Cozy night in Grandpa's arms.

Don't forget about Grandma too. She hates having her photo taken but we snuck in a few! :)
We all had a laugh with Axel's response to Grandma's expressions...

Mr. Bug Eyes!
Free entertainment.

So handsome!

We even made a visit to Grandpa's work so he could show off the new grand kid. Lucas made out pretty well too getting special treats in the office.

We headed to Aunt Kate's house for a fun sleep over. Kate's so cool! She let Lucas jump on her bed, soooo fun!

Kate and Axel getting to know each other.

Mommy was no longer needed and it was Kate's turn to read books. Kendall, Kate's sister, was a big hit for Lucas too. They played soccer and ran around outside. Lucas was flirting the entire time and was so busy...so was Mommy, she didn't get a photo of Kendall...sorry!

We had a great visit with my old college roommate, Michelle. Meeting at a coffee shop was a good deal for everyone. Lucas watched and learned all about the coffee makers, steamers, whipped cream and carmel toppers. We had our girly talk.

Michelle's phone was probably the highlight. That and going to Home Depot to pretend ride the riding lawn mowers while Mommy & Michelle caught up. :)

Colorado is DRY! However, we were there to witness the first good Spring snow they've had this year. It was a full on blizzard the day before we were supposed to fly out. So, we delayed our flight two days and enjoyed the warm sunny weather out in the snow and extra days with Grandma & Grandpa.
Storm coming in.

Staying warm and cozy inside.

Grandpa & Grandma got to come home early and spend the afternoon with us.

The next day was so gorgeous and the snow was tasty...Lucas tested it all out. Apple juice snow cones were a must!
We went for a walk and Lucas sang "Baa-baa Black Sheep" at the top of his lungs! He was one happy boy!

Tasty snow!

My little angel's angel. :)

If only we had our skis!

Axel had a few poo blow outs and after this one, we decide to capture what he's been working on for 6 weeks! HIS BELLY! Boy oh boy do I love that belly!

Okay, I just love my boys!!

Check out that profile...nice round head...so sweet!

Due to our delay in going home, we were able to go to Christy's (another old college roommate) home. Our roommate Jana made the trip up and it was so fun to catch up and watch the kids play and "share" tpgether.
Christy's son, Wes and his ketchup too.

Neighbor Nat.

Lucas too!

Don't forget about Jana & Jewel (11mo).

There's Christy!

Uncle Micah & Axel

And Lucas too. He sure does love Uncle Micah!

Here's Grandma again. So many smiles...

and giggles too.

Eventually, everyone was all tuckered out!

What a great trip!!!
My little airplane angels! This was the diaper changing position!

We had such a wonderful time. WE LOVE AND MISS YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA JAKULEWICZ. Thank you so much for all your help and love and hugs and cuddles! See you soon.
Stopped by to see how you guys are doing, and was shocked to see baby Axel! Has time gone by that quickly???? Had a great time looking at all the recent posts, and will check in again. We have a blog now too, at www.4jumpingthetracks.blogspot.com . But it's not as exciting or prolific as yours! I'll also be using the list of questions on my almost 5 year olds...I think that'll still be a blast! Take care, Connie
Thought I should clarify...Connie Schlaefer. Hello to Mike, too!
Wow--what a great trip! Thanks for posting all those photos. Sure makes me miss you guys, though!
Those are some pretty impressive snow angels! Glad you all had a great time and the plane ride home went so well :) See you sooN!
Congratulations Janelle! I can't believe Axel is 6 weeks old already. He is so CUTE! and so is Lucas, who is getting so big. Isn't it fun having a little baby boy around again? You look great.
Those boys of yours are so handsome. I can't get over how big Axel looks in them. It looks like you had a great time.
Too fun! It was great to see you guys! Sorry the follow-up visit didn't work out and I never called... time got away from me. :-( We're so glad we got to see you though. Love you guys!
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