Sunday, January 27, 2013

He Came....Santa Came!

Christmas is always such a wonderful, magical time. Having kids and watching their excitement grow in anticipation for the big day is a gift for sure. They make you a kid again and bring back so many personal memories. I remember never being able to sleep on Christmas Eve and actually chewing the wood on my bed rail, unknowingly, while waiting for my eyes to shut. It always seemed like forever before my brain would stop dreaming of what the next day would bring. To watch my boys go through the same emotions and excitement is just awesome.
Oh, I love being a Mom! What a gift!!

Don't they look tired?! HA!!! One can never easily fall asleep on Christmas Eve. Luckily, they finally did!

Proof! Santa was here!

He even liked all the yummy cookies and was happy to have a little Almond Milk to change things up this year.

Stockings are my very favorite. I've always loved the tiny things hidden deep down at the bottom and the stuff pouring out the top. You never really knew what would be in there and I love that!

These did not disappoint. Axel is holding up his Good-n-Plenty. Both boys still love black licorice. It's not safe in our house.

Axel was still half asleep but ready to get started.

Lucas carefully read to find his name.

Axel was instantly distracted by Lucas' Lego kit. I'm pretty sure he had no idea about his new bike even after using it as a brace to fix his PJs.

This was a BIG kit and Santa even left a little note stating that it should be shared. Little did Santa or Lucas know, but Axel would be the one to take charge and basically build the entire set himself. Lucas had no objections either.

Axel was then on a Lego quest!

Lucas checking out his new MP3 player while Axel looked around for another present to tear into.

Bop It game!

This big box was the holder for a globe. We have used the globe numerous times and both boys now understand just how far away Afghanistan is. It's actually so handy and I find myself saying, "I'll show you, get the globe!"

For half the morning, Axel had this look on his face as if looking for something but couldn't find it. I finally asked him what he was looking for. He was looking for a certain Lego kit (Alien Conquest UFO Abduction) that he had asked for on Christmas Eve. I told him that Santa needed a little more time to prepare but not to worry because his birthday would be here before he knew it. That settled his little heart and Christmas was saved by some other Lego kits and the OK from Lucas allowing Axel to help. Guess what is on Axel's birthday list? :)

He was a new man, excited about everything. The two Cokes were a HUGE hit!

He would have opened all his presents within minutes if I wasn't there to slow things down.

This also helped slow down the boys. We were so fortunate to be able to Skype with Daddy again. He was able to watch all the excitement from the moment we woke up. It was awesome to have him with us.

We even took a time to watch Daddy open the special gifts we sent him, halfway around the world.

It was cool having him virtually there and it would have been very lonely if the Internet had not cooperated.

Axel was very excited that this big day had FINALLY come!

My little super hero!

Lucas wanted an Angry Birds Mighty Eagle for about 6 months. We pooled our resources and surprised him on Christmas morning. He had no idea he would actually get one. We had numerous talks about how it was way too expensive and not to get his hopes up. HA!

Axel was just as excited!

For just a moment, Lucas let him test it out. It made Axel's day.
Then it was back in Lucas' arms for the next two weeks!
It was Lego time for Axel.

Axel finally realized that Santa had brought him a new bike and was eager to test it out. It's a touch big but he had no problem riding with a little push start.
 After a lazy morning of opening gifts and little time outside dodging rain storms, we headed to our friends house for Christmas Day dinner. Steve and Jodie Hendricks are also friends from the Air Force back in our Colorado Springs days. Daddy and Steve worked together at the Air Force Academy so it's wonderful to live in the same town with them again.
The whole Christmas Crew. From the left: Steve, Mason, Lucas, Janelle, Axel, Jodie, Taylor & Preston

Mr. Steve is a big boy and he scooped Lucas right up!

Taylor & Jodie got to do a little Skyping themselves.

Oh, Mommy was there too!

Sweet peeps!

My little gang! This one's for you Daddy!

So is this one! We couldn't go right to bed when we got home...for it was Christmas!


This was my boy, day after day after day...waiting for Christmas which had FINALLY arrived!
Pretty darn sweet if you ask me.

It was a good Christmas but one with a big missing piece. Daddy we love you and miss you tons. We are so happy you were able to see us and be there there to share in this special day if even only via the computer! Love you!

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

Welcome to our family blog now known as:

DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
