Mike finished up his last class required for his PhD (way to go Daddy!) and we decided to take a family trip across country. September is a wonderful month to miss in Ohio because it's still hot, humid and buggy!
After a two day car trip, our first real stop was at Aunt Kate and Uncle Mark's house in Evergreen, Colorado. Grandma & Grandpa A were also visiting so we were able to spend some time with them too.
Grandma A & Lucas

Aunt Kate & Axel

Kendal (Kate's Awesome Sister), Lucas & Grandma A...as you can see, the boys were not hurting for extra attention. :) The grown up boys headed to the Bears game while the ladies and the young boys had a nice yummy Greek dinner. It was so nice to relax after a long trip.

Speaking of boys...

Grandpa A and Axel

A little football with Daddy & Grandpa A. Kate and Mark have a beautiful plot of land with lots of running room which was perfect for Lucas.

Look at this, my husband relaxing for a minute...AMAZING! Then there's Lucas hiding from the camera, little stinker.

Evergreen is a beautiful little town and there's a great lake with plenty of boat rentals. Here's Uncle Mark and Axel getting ready to go.

Daddy and Grandpa A

Beautiful spot! Here Mommy, Axel, Lucas & Grandma A were paddling away. Lucas was a little grumpy but we figured out how to put a smile back on his face.

Put him in the COOL boat with Daddy!

The boys did amazing during the car ride. Axel learned how to use a bottle after a screaming fit the first try. We had learned on early trips that Axel gets very distracted when we stop for gas and food. He gets so distracted that he won't finish eating and as soon as we start driving again he realizes that he missed his meal. Then it's a war until we stop again. The bottle cured that! They were true troopers.
Our next stop: Grandma & Grandpa J's :)
1 comment:
I think that "Crazy Shertzer" should really be "Crazy Anderson"! :-) You guys are all troopers!
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