Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Cookies

My neighbor, Heather, made the mistake of suggesting we make sugar cookies at her house. Now, keep in mind, she has been on the receiving end of my sugar cookies but never in the thick of the whole process. Boy, was she in for a suprise! I am the opposite of Pilsbury! Let me tell you, I jumped at the opportunity to make a mess at someone elses house. heeheeheee. Not sure she'll let us come back! Just kidding. We cleaned up the mess and after a long night fighting with the dough it all worked out.

It was the perfect distraction everyone needed after a shocking day in the news and learning about Sandy Hook Elememtary. Unfortunately, 12.14.12 will not just be remembered for the sugar cookies. So sad, makes my heart hurt for all those families.

Axel getting his dough ready.

Fast-forwad to the best part!
Blue icing anyone?!

Lucas was very intense as he always is when decorating.

I think seeing his brother eating sped things up in a hurry.
He was all about the eating right after showing off his green man.

Mommy rolling out dough...boy, this is a process!

Hugh, our taste tester!

Finished products.

Only a handful have bites taken out of them.
For the record, Heather was amazing throughout the whole process. She even invited us back over today! Whoot!  Although, she slipped out from the cameras view all evening...she's just like Grandma J! Stinkers!

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

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