We received a lovely little package in the mail yesterday...or shall I say, Mike received a package from The Osborne's. This was not your typical GET WELL SOON package but boy did it make us smile! Nothing like some HEALTHY FOOD FOR HEALING QUICKLY!
First, I must say that it almost caused a little boy to hyperventilate when he saw that the treats where packaged in a Jet Boil aka "Fire Hot" box. I quickly had to explain that there was probably not a "Fire Hot" in the box and he seemed a little confused but sooo excited to see the photos of the "Fire Hots" anyways.
There was a lovely homemade card with caring words and two tasty?!?! Healthy???? treats! See photos for details! Now keep in mind, these tasty nuggets came from Mr. and Mrs. All-NatUral, No Trans Fat, Juiced Fruit and Veggies, and Homemade meals only family! A couple who knew Mike in his prime bachelor stage eating bagsof Oreo cookies for dinner... in one sitting! The fact that they not only had to go to the store to buy these Little Debbie snacks but paid money to buy them (were seen in public buying them) and paid to mail them is quite remarkable! We quickly convinced Lucas that these were things to laugh at but tasted nasty! HA!
"What Goes Up Must Come Down, Hard"
"When It Comes To Gravity, You Have No Choice"
There about as fitting as the healthy recovery Little Debbie Snacks! After some smiles and laughs it was back to business...watching Tiger and Rocco battle on the golf course.
Thank You Osbone's! We can't wait to send Little Marybelle a care package from Dayton!
Prezados clientes
Quem quer comprar carne de 1ª qualidade é favor de me contactar...vendemos carne fresca do sudoeste asiático.Carne tenra e fresca ( ainda menores)de primeira mão, sem doenças contaminadas, algumas ainda usa fraldas....vitório é prova de qualidade. também tenho bom vinho, da terra do meu avô, loucor beirão acompanhado com o chouriço português do meu avô...ainda tenho pra vender os meus tomates, ainda virgens e frescas...acompanha de suco bem doce...pois confeço que tenho diabetes, ainda vendo em saldos bananão bem grande de de marca tiu monte, acreditam que nunca viram banana tão grande e ríj, também acompanhada de suco que é especialidade da casa...não esqueçam que também tenho chourição (dos grandes)à venda e tão boa qualidade que até se vibram...fazemos entregas ao domicílio...para terminar apresento-vos o meu chouricao de burro, directamente do meu quintal sempre de melhor qualidade, e garanto-vos que vão ficar mais espertos depois de comer chourição de burro
Vitório Rosário Cardoso
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Please delete all comments signed with the name "vitório rosário cardoso" because are not published by the original author but by a "clone" that only aims to damage my reputation.
This case is already followed by the police authorities.
Thank you for your attention,
Vitório R. Cardoso
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