I guess technically it is still Spring for a few more days and what a wonderful treat we have had just outside our back door about a week ago!
A little mama robin has been so busy taking care of her babies. As you can see, it's getting a little tight in the nest and the very next day mama had to deal with "empty nest" syndrome. I have a feeling she wasn't too sad...those three mouths to feed were a lot of work. She loved when I watered our lawn in the morning to draw up the tasty worms!

Little birdies are cute but how about twin fawns?! I saw mama deer the night before hanging out in our back yard. In the morning she was lying down with that look on her face...the look of "let's get these things out!" Unfortunately, I got distracted with breakfast and missed the actually birth by minutes. It happened in our back yard and what a wonderful experience. Lucas was excited until he had to be quiet and couldn't go play out back. We just didn't want to scare mama, she needed time to clean up while the little ones learned to walk almost immediately!

Here are the twins, mama is still cleaning everyone up. I love the wobbly legs and it was amazing to see how fast they learn to walk and get brave to go explore.

More rest and cleaning...

while the other one explores!

Notice the little white flower camouflage?

This was a few hours later. Nursing was high priority then it was kisses from mama and nap time!

Mama knows best! The deer travel from yard to yard and we hope that crossing the street doesn't create any problems. Yesterday morning we had another surprise stop in for a visit. Another mama deer with very young triplets! What a Spring!!! We are definitely going to miss Colorado wildlife in our own backyard!
Oh my goodness! That is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing that with all of us!
You're Welcome. We thought it was really amazing too and what a farewell gift! I thought of you today, I dropped off some old clothes at the USAFA Thrift Store and found the most amazing Marble Rolling Pin for...$8.00!!! How awesome is that?!? It is the heaviest one I've ever seen. I knew you would be so proud of my find. Mike and I joked about selling it on Ebay but no way, this one is mine!
That really is amazing! I saw a trio of baby birds in a nest right at eye level in our neighbors yard the other day. But those deer. . . so cool!
Wow, I had lots of catching up to do with you. I'm so glad you're such a good (and frequent!) poster!
You must have seen my comment on Erin's blog about Friday night blog checking. . . Pete has blocked access to all blogs, so I can't even take a 5 minute work break for a little diversion :-( Which makes my time at home even busier! :-) Let's catch up next week, for sure!
I ran into this in the "random blog" thing... wow, you must have a great camera! These are the best pictures of little fawns that I've ever seen. I'm all completely a puddle of love right now.
Erin, thanks for visiting and I'm so happy to share these photos with the world! It has been such a neat experience to see them. Yesterday they were doing laps around our yard as fast as possible. So full of life and having just sooo much fun! Life as a child! Come visit again! Do you have a blog?
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