Friday, October 17, 2008

Pregnancy Brain!?

That's what I'm going to blame my forgetfulness on these days...pregnancy brain! I've stashed my camera battery charger somewhere and have no idea where. I'm certain it is in a safe place for easy finding but where that might be is unknown. hhhhmmmmm????

Anyways, last weekend we headed back to the Red River Gorge with a bunch of new friends from the area. Rocktober Fest started Friday night and we wanted to join in the fun and festivities. Rocktober is held every year to raise money for a section of the gorge that was recently purchased by the climbing coalition. It's a wonderful climbing area but one that is not fully paid for. We met some wonderful folks, ended up with some great deals and had a super time! It was a long 3-day weekend and the bands played into the night so we were exhausted by Monday.

I will have to find my battery charger and then you can see all the fun in photos! And all the beautiful colors changing!


Lucas has been quite the trooper lately. He loves our climbing/camping weekends, has adjusted to preschool and to our new home. It's nice to see him back to his normal self (if there is a normal for a three year old?!). His new thing is getting to know matter where we are. His first three questions are...
1)What is your name? 2)What is your middle name? 3)What is your nickname?
He makes friends everywhere we go and puts a smile on everyone's face. I love it!

He also has been very intrigued with things that he cannot use...nail guns, knives, Dad's tools, etc. His comment the other day was, "I can use a nail gun when I get as big as Uncle Micah!" I agreed that was a great idea!

Other Funny Lucas Comments:
"Mommy, you're belly is going to get as big as this house!"
"I want a WHOLE BUNCH of pancakes to fill this whole room, up to the ceiling!"
"I don't like the daytime, I only like night time!"...used in an attempt to get out of going to bed. In other words, I want to stay up later because I love night time. Very clever!

Alright, off to look for my charger!


Amy said...

I don't know how you have the energy for all those climbing trips! Especially when bands are involved, keeping you up late! Glad you're getting settled in and finding all the great stuff in Ohio!

Janelle Anderson said...

The bands were definitely not our favorite part of the festival. It made for some tired Anderson's on Tuesday!

Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

Welcome to our family blog now known as:

DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
