Friday, May 31, 2013

Almost a 2nd Grader

Lucas was a reporter who interviewed Marjory Stoneman Douglas (played by Lauren) and her help saving the Everglades.
Lucas has an AMAZING teacher! Her name is Mrs. Kathy Chlebowski and she is truly wonderful and has found her passion in this world. We have tried to take her to second grade with us but her heart is in first grade. I guess we will be sure to visit her!

Anyways, she planned an adorable end-of-the-year presentation day. This was a way to give each student a chance to use power point and give a presentation to us parents on Florida wildlife. It was so fun to see how grown up these first graders are and how much they have progressed throughout the school year. What a treat!!
Here is the whole class, ready to get started.

Lucas doing his speaking part.

I was so excited to see Lucas present that I forgot to take a photo of him and Lauren. This photo gives you a good idea of how it was set up. The students worked on reports for 3 weeks so they became experts in their area.

We were so proud!

Awards were handed out at the end by Mrs. Chlebowski.

Lucas received "The Mentalist" because his brain is always on and he's always thinking for new ideas. :) She sure knows him well!

Lauren & Lucas...they are best buds at school so it was a real treat to be able to work together on this project.
Way to go Lucas! You did great and are so good at speaking in front of people. The morning ended in a pizza party and we all had such a wonderful time. We are so proud of you Lucas! Love, Mom & Dad

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Above Photo: Downtown Portland Oregon Bike Ride

The Danger Zone needed a little update to include not only LUCAS DANGER, but also his little brother...AXEL ADVENTURE!

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DANGER and ADVENTURE Around Every Corner!!
